Lukas & Yoga
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IIf someone had told me 5 years ago that I was going to be a teacher, I would have laughed. And yet, today I am and that’s not all!
I love to teach and the philosophy of Yoga is increasingly taking hold in my life, I try to share its benefits with the people around me.
Yoga is simple. We do physical postures, stretch to move the body, have fun, take the time to rest, to meditate or to do breathing exercises, pranayama, to calm our mind. Literally, you learn to be well in all circumstances of life.
What I'm trying to teach is that no matter where you come from, the important thing is where you want to go.
If you want to feel better in your body, calm your mind and learn more about yourself, come take a class to experience yoga practice for yourself. It takes place in a cool and relaxed atmosphere, respecting the yogic traditions that I want to share.
Centre Abhyasa, 74250, Saint-Jeoire
From 01/01 to 31/12, every Monday and Wednesday.